Not only do we allow but encourage linking to For your convenience in that regard, we have provided the HTML code for a text link, several graphical links we also encourage you to use, as well as icons that can be used with a desktop shortcut.
Text Link
Except that when viewed on your Web site it will be underlined, a text link will look like this:
Highlight the code in the box below, right click and select "Copy" then paste the code into your Web page. If want the target page to open in a new browser window, place target="blank" inside the first bracketed code set.
"Pull" the following graphic links from our site by inserting the code in the text boxes below. To copy the code to your clipboard, right click inside a box and select "Select All." Right click again and select "Copy" then paste the code into your Web page. If want the target page to open in a new browser window, place target="blank" inside the first bracketed code set.
Desktop Icons
To save the following to your computer for use with a destop shortcut, place your curser over the icon, right click and select "Save Target As.." The path for the shortcut is